Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Borderline Personality Disorder

Don't want to
Impose my struggles
On you.
So maybe
You should just leave me.
No, please don't do that.
Come back, where are you going?
Reveries come and go for me.
An over-active hippocampus
Causing me to over-think, over-react.
You may not know this but I'm Borderline.

-Dorian. C. Major

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Disastrous Cuisine

War Mongers and Power.
Pacifists responsible for Protection.
Nymphomaniacs and Vasectomies.
Narrow-minded Extremists.
Masochism and Depression.
Self-righteous Sadists.

salt to taste and garnish with
21st century political correctness;
the fear of shaming.

The perfect recipe for disaster.

-Dorian. C. Major