Tuesday, December 26, 2017


There are seven days in the week
and I love you on all of them.

Hell hath seven levels
and I'll go through all of them for you.

I sleep for seven hours
and I dream of you in every one of them.

And this is the seventh line in this poem that I wrote for you.
-Dorian. C. Major

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Another year,
Another milestone.
Another tear-
dried up- gone.

A new beginning,
A new goal.
A new path-
don't fear- be bold.

Forget the past,
Forget it, it's gone.
Forget what won't last-
pointless- have fun.

Another year,
Another milestone.
Another tier-
don't stop- Well done.
-Dorian. C. Major

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


I saw a Sun set - then I lived-
Its Glorious glow
commanded the Stillness of the Air-
The Stillness of Life,

The Eyes of the world-fixated-
upon this ambiguous focal glow.
All hail the Queen-Bear Witness-
as she bids the day.

my heart and soul -Tribute-
Then i opened my eyes,
and there She was

Hair of Divinity
Smile of Enchantment
Temple of Temptation-
and me- Victim of Avidity-
She walked away-
-Dorian. C. Major

Where The Sidewalk Begins

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
while our minds wonder to and fro,
desperately looking for
the place where the sidewalk begins

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows
and go to a place where no one knows.
Time to ourselves or time with a deared friend,
go to a place where no one knows
and find yourself going
to the place where the sidewalk begins

There is a place where the sidewalk begins
and before the street ends.
And there your thoughts grow
in the light of a crimson sun.
Take a minute and allow your thoughts
to cool in the peppermint wind.
-Dorian. C. Major

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Cheap Cigarettes

Long drags from cheap cigarettes.
Warm a pain so cold.
Nothing like a frost to bring out all the flaws in a rock.

a concept understood only by the bold.
Long drags from cheap cigarettes.

an illusion- to believe what we are told.
Nothing like a frost to bring out all the flaws in a rock.

A tourniquet, a needle- Not all that glitters is gold.
Long drags from cheap cigarettes.

Tie a noose. Patience has been spent and sold.
Nothing like a frost to bring out all the flaws in a rock.

Embrace the darkness- go cold.
Long drags from cheap cigarettes.
Nothing like a frost to bring out all the flaws in a rock.
-Dorian. C. Major

Oh Reaper!

Death makes no appointment;
it strikes anyone at any time.

It doesn't always follow through;
Just gets close enough to stop your heart.

The calmest of individuals...
reduced to hysterical panic.

In the eyes of the reaper,
there is no distinction.

Oh Reaper!
Thou art a heartless wench!
-Dorian. C. Major

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Who Am I?

Who am I?
Who do I want to be?
Who am I trying to be?
Who should I be?
Who Shouldn't I be?
Who do I have to be?
Who do I need to be?
Who am I becoming?
Who am I going to be?
And why?
-Dorian. C. Major

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Empathise With Desolation

Consider this:
You are not alone
Yet you still feel quite lonely
surrounded by people. In the presence of none.
Considered it?
But have you really actually fully considered it?
Or just attended to the thought
in a trivial attempt?
Consider it.
-Dorian. C. Major

A Bird In The Hand

Just think
What do you want?
or rather, what do you have?
have you e'er contemplated that?
Just think
-Dorian. C. Major

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Essence of Life

So press your lips to mine,
Without me you cannot survive.
I have what you need.

My loves,
together we thrive.
So press your lips to mine.

When we are together we soar like doves.
Embrace me once, twice, three four or five.
I have what you need.

We were meant for each other, like hands to a glove.
I give you what you need; that drive.
So press your lips to mine.

I am born from above,
and a necessity in your lives,
I have what you need.

All your idols- by me they were drove,
and life itself-by me it is contrived.
So press your lips to mine,
I have what you need.
-Dorian. C. Major

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Final Door

"The most interesting things happen in doorways."
Your first kiss. Your last.
As one door shuts, another opens.

Always look for the light.
Alas your present is haunted by your past.
"The most interesting things happen in doorways."

A veteran, sleeping for the night.
He is not unfamiliar to the words of Karl Marx.
As one door shuts, another opens.

Two men, hiding out of sight
attending to discreet business, fast fast fast.
"The most interesting things happen in doorways."

A gunshot. Now you see the light.
Take a deep breath. It is your last.
As one door shuts, another opens.

Now you elevate to a new height.
Your time here has forepassed.
"The most interesting things happen in doorways."
As one door shuts, another opens.
- Dorian. C. Major

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Suomi mainittu, Torilla tavataan!

that's Finnish for "insanity."
What is insanity then?
It's doing the same thing
again and again
expecting a different result no matter many times,
five or six or ten.
Welcome to Helsinki,
the home of hulluuden.
- Dorian. C. Major

Monday, September 25, 2017

That Realization

Age is in the mind. You are exactly as old.
Life begins when kids digest 20th century heroine.

     I felt pinned.
Sickness came to uncomfortable heights,
corrupt and greedy, but very primal.

If I'm really free
it wasn't always so.

You gotta walk it by yourself.                                                      You do not know what else to do.

Heart broke as i watched it
     it disappears down a hole.

The first state in the nation to ban behaviors such as breathing and controlling.

Some of the most remote regions on Earth. Why isn't there more information or footage of these areas?

Growth is predicted to slow or even stop.

And then a door slammed with the deep clash of iron on the heart of the matter.
- Aly Zein Mohamed

Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Wolf You Feed

Animal, you're an animal.
Don't take anything less.
Lose control,
let your thoughts, emotions, feelings

Animals, they're animals.
Look at them
losing control.
Contain your thoughts, be composed.
Don't let your feelings show.

Choose wisely the wolf you feed.
For once he tastes the flesh of your leniency
His hunger will be insatiable.
-Dorian. C. Major

Thursday, September 21, 2017

An Assortment of Discontinuous Dreams

I dreamed Warhead Detonator.
I dreamed the metal artmorks of Benin and Ife,

I dreamed Urotoxic,
I dreamed moderate delegates fought,
I dreamed, we don't know what happened...

I dreamed out in the Darkness.
I dreamed upon liability without fault.
I dreamed, with a tempo like a religious prayer.
I dreamed vocal jazz, with costumes and choreography.
I dreamed, "GET ME OUTSIDE!"

I dreamed anything can be collected into a set.

I dreamed...Multiple suicide stab wounds...

I dreamed. Indeed it was unclear...
I dreamed as the blood beat the skin...

I dreamed...now lets try again...
I dreamed...she blushed again...
-Aly Zein Mohamed

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Love and Sonnets

Whilst I do believe in love, I do not believe it is how it is defined today (or in the past for that matter).

It does exist. It is not some supernatural force that we cannot explain. It is nothing more than a surge in Oxytocin, Dopamine and Serotonin. It is but a feeling of extreme infatuation, something that can be replicated by the use of drugs; under the influence of carcinogens I can have the same feelings towards a Mac n Cheese as I do towards my girlfriend whilst sober.

My point is that whilst love does in fact exist and I do feel it, it is not as people define it. The way I write my Sonnets reflect this concept; whilst they are 14 lines long, they do not follow all the exact criteria as contemporary Shakespearean or Petrarchian sonnets (rhyme scheme etc).   

Monday, September 18, 2017


There it is
the nothingness that i feel.
The sweet sour sorrowful loneliness.
Dark is an absence of light.
And Black an absence of colour.
My heart craves Light and Colour.
My heart craves...

I once told a friend
who felt the same
to fill this aching void
with a passion.
To use Art as a mortar between the bricks.
I have run out of the mixture to make mortar.

I question
whether i even have bricks anymore

Was this all a facade?
Or am i just really bad at following my own advice?

- Dorian. C. Major

My Demons: Part III (The Defeat)

My head spins in circles,
It seems to me that nothing is as it really seems.
I cannot shake this feeling
that something is not right.

But I guess you'll tell me that's just life
This "C'est la vie" shit does not sit with me,
and here i go again...
i just want to DIE!

But it's not my time.

The Demons inside my head whisper into my ears...

"perhaps it is your time..."


- Dorian. C. Major

My Demons: Part II (The Struggle)

The demons inside my head screech into my ears
from within,
They are drowning out the sound of life.
I long to be free.
Can you take my hand?
And pull me out of this Hell inside of me?

I cannot sleep at night.
Some sort of chronic Curse;
It's all in the mix.
Yet i fight,

i don't know why i fight...

i just want to die...

But its not my time.

So can you take my hand?
And pull me out of this Hell
inside of me?

- Dorian. C. Major

Sonnet: Thine Beauty

Lay thine eyes upon the fairness of this humble Maiden,
Where as
the hubris of the aloof Lords
and Ladies consequents their plainness.

But M'Lady shan't be
"compared to a summers day"
for it would only serve unjust to her
Shakespeare's genius
naïve mind
could not even comprehend it so.

For it be impossible to comprehend
Thine beauty.

- Dorian. C. Major

My Demons: Part I (The Fall)

The demons inside my head scream into my ears from within,
they are drowning out the sound of life.
I want to be free.
Can you take my hand?
And pull me out of this Hell inside of me?

What you see on the outside
is nought but a pretty picture.
On the inside
I fell deeper than Dante's Treachery.
Inferno is my only way up.

Welcome to my world where there are no angels
and the devils and demons come from the skies.
is a lost cause.
is an inevitable procedure of everyday life.

So can you take my hand?
And pull me out of this Hell inside of me?

- Dorian. C. Major

Sonnet: Per Ardua

Light as a Feather.
Cold as Ice.
Calm as a Breeze.
Dark as a Shadow.
Stealthy Panther.
Silent Predator.

I see no evil.
Fear no evil.

I create fear itself,
and thrive off the Fear of others.

I am a Regiment Sniper
and I'm good at what I do.

Per Ardua.
Semper fidelis Per omnis Ardua.

-Dorian. C. Major

Until Now

I did suffer.
The darkness within me, has been
for years ever spreading.
Until now.
The Pain inside of me, has been
for years ever growing.
Until now.

For thou art My Sunshine,
thou art my Poppy seed.
Thine eyes dispel any curse
that even medusa could not turn Thee to stone.
Thine lips could cure any ailment or incurable malady,
by a simple whisper.
Thou art sunshine,
Thou art Poppy seed.

-Dorian. C. Major

New beginnings create potential endings

So lets see where we go with this...