Saturday, September 22, 2018

Where Am I?

           Daniel Dennett’s Where Am I? invites viewers to imagine themselves in a situation where their brain and body are in two separate locations and where they consider themselves to be; where the brain is, or where the body is. Dennett poses four hypotheses to help answer the question ‘where am I?’; You are where your brain is, you are where your body is, you are wherever you think you are or you are just a sum of your parts. There is also a pre-existing thought experiment that may help answer this question; Ibn Sina’s Flying Man thought experiment. However, for every hypothesis and thought experiment there is a flaw or a rebuttal. As with everything in philosophy, there is no real, solid, hard-fact answer to the question.
            Dennett’s first hypothesis suggests that we are our consciousness and memories and that even though our bodies change we stay numerically identical to our earlier selves. The flaw in this argument is that there are cases where this would be inapplicable (for instance people with multiple personalities in the same brain and body). Dennett’s second hypothesis proposes the contrary; that we are our physical form. The flaw here is simply: if I have a brain transplant into a new body, I am still me – a different version of me, but still me. Dennett’s third hypothesis- we are wherever we think we are- is flawed in the sense that we can often be mistaken in where we think we are and we can use technology to change our perspectives (if I watch a VR video of the Bahamas, I’m not actually in the Bahamas). Dennett’s final hypothesis suggests that a unified self is a surreal concept and that we are just a collection of our parts. While this hypothesis seems to be the closest to a full logical answer it is still flawed; if my arm were to be amputated, would my amputated arm still count as part of me lying in a limb disposal somewhere?
            Whilst Ibn Sina’s Flying Man thought experiment may help us consider Where Am I? in the scope of ‘Mind-Body Dualism’ his argument is fundamentally flawed. Ibn Sina argues that the self is not numerically identical to the body. The flaw is his premise; he proposes in his experiment that the self of the flying man is aware of existing without being aware of his body and yet, humans were aware of water without being aware of its chemical structure and the two are one and the same - numerically identical.
            I believe that it is possible to answer Dennett’s Where Am I? if we build on his fourth hypothesis – we are a sum of our parts - and combine this concept with ‘Mind-Body Duality.’ First of all, to address the issue of the amputated arm; You may consider what remains of you to be a new version of you and the arm – whilst still yours – is no longer a part of your ‘self’ (much like when you lose a tooth). With that now resolved we must consider our ‘parts’ to not mean just our brain and body, but to extend to our mind (taken to mean consciousness) and soul (if you believe in one). Once we consider this trinity (or duality) to be ‘The Self’ we can better define where we are. We must also expel the idea that we must be in one place. If you and your family are all in one house, you may say that your family is in this house. But if your mother were to travel to Cambodia, your father to Australia and you remain in the house, you would say that your family is all over the globe – in more than one location at the same time. Consider the trinity (or duality) of the self to be like this family; In most cases you are united in one place, but should you be separated, you would be in more than one place at once.
-Aly Zein Mohamed

Saturday, September 8, 2018

What is 'Truth' and To What Extent Can We Expect It From News Media In Our Home Countries?

To define "Truth" is as easy as defining the exact location of an electron in an orbital at any given moment, that is to say it is nigh on impossible. However we can say that truth is relative and we can generally distinguish between non-truths and things that resemble truths. Some people may try to define truth as being statements that are made in accordance to facts, but then that begs the question "what is fact?" and indeed, what may be fact now may become misconception in the future (for example, a long time ago, it was a 'fact' that the earth was flat).

For the purpose of this discussion let us argue that the 'truth' is the closest version of the truest account of events regarded from as many perspectives as possible.

Whether you take 'my country' to be the United Kingdom (My official nationality and where I was raised) or Egypt (My ethnicity and where I was born) the answer remains the same; No. In fact, I would argue that no country in the world harbors any single news media outlet capable of presenting the truth. Whether aware or unaware, intentional or unintentional, malice or benign- the news is produced by people, humans. Humans all have a subconscious prejudice; they will always inside themselves lean one way or the other and that will always find its way of projecting itself into the writing. We all have a basic need to 'pick a side' in any issue. Also, even if it were a perfectly written non-biased piece, then the subconscious prejudice that will shield you from 'the truth' is in fact yourself.

For one to obtain a full truth, and they could only do so if they were successful in disengaging their own subconscious bias, one would have to observe and digest all the news media available surrounding a certain topic and successfully distinguish 'fact' from 'fiction.'

The exception to this matter of course is stories that cover events such as fires or natural disasters and the likes of which that do not entail any opinionated orientation.

-Aly Zein Mohamed

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Hi, I'm High

My name is Aly.
That's Arabic for "high."
Now that can mean 'champion', or 'elevated'.
But that's not why my parents named that.
My mother had to be under global anesthetic to birth me...
and you wonder why I have a long history of substance abuse.
Dude, I am literally high.

-Dorian. C. Major

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Borderline Personality Disorder

Don't want to
Impose my struggles
On you.
So maybe
You should just leave me.
No, please don't do that.
Come back, where are you going?
Reveries come and go for me.
An over-active hippocampus
Causing me to over-think, over-react.
You may not know this but I'm Borderline.

-Dorian. C. Major

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Disastrous Cuisine

War Mongers and Power.
Pacifists responsible for Protection.
Nymphomaniacs and Vasectomies.
Narrow-minded Extremists.
Masochism and Depression.
Self-righteous Sadists.

salt to taste and garnish with
21st century political correctness;
the fear of shaming.

The perfect recipe for disaster.

-Dorian. C. Major

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Downloading Mind.exe

2.5 petabytes
ROM- Those moments when you wake up,
that remind you how to be human: Breathing, eating, cleaning, crying.
RAM- Those annoying ads,
that you just cannot get out of your head; Go Compare, Confused dot com. Meerkats saying "Simples."
Softwares- The skills,
that you learn in your life; riding a bike, playing guitar, complex arithmetic, coping.
The SSD- your main memory,
that stores your contacts, your lyrics, snapshots of time with friends or time alone.

Some files get deleted by accident when you need them the most;
"what was that damn equation?"
Some files you wish you could delete.

And some files
you know you should delete...

but you keep them

in a secret folder

away from everyone else.

-Dorian. C. Major

Saturday, February 17, 2018


The Ecstasy
By way of cold steel
Cold Damascus Steel

Sunsets in Damascus
With the steel blade

The cold
steel blade

Press it to your lips
Then to my throat
Then to my gums
Then into my face

Leave your mark

Push the cold Damascus steel
into my chest.

Watch the red spring ooze
around the cold steel blade

Watch with intent
Show me the fire in your eyes

I’m an arsonist
drawn to your flame.
-Dorian. C. Major

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


I used to be cold as stone.
No flesh, just skin and bone.
you came into my life
and saw my strife.
And promised I'd never be alone

You once had my heart in a jar;
all ruined and filled with tar.
One blown kiss
and the jar was mist.
And my heart burnt up like a star.
-Dorian. C. Major

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Roses are red,
violets are blue,
I want you to know,
I’ll always love you.

Poetry must be read,
especially when you’re blue,
but there is no greater love,
than mine for you.

As I lay in my bed,
thinking of you ,
I can hear the voices,
and they speak true.

They say: “we are in your head,
and it seems she is too,
but rest assured,
because she loves you.”

-Dorian. C. Major

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Don't Water That Seed

Take a moment to breathe
Close your eyes and take three

Now open your eyes and see
That you are the only one for me

Don’t be afraid, let your thoughts run free
And this doubt is but a seed

But don’t water that seed
With tears that are free

Because you mean the world to me
And there is no one else I would rather see

Just the two of us, no room for three.
Because only with you am I able to breathe.
-Dorian. C. Major

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Red Tape

It's a dangerous thing
the future.

Especially when big men in big suits
think that they see it.

With their big words and big mouths
passing them off as a suture

for all the other times that
their predictions did not fit.

And they hide, not in fear but in gloat,
behind sharpshooters.

And when someone stands up to speak out
he is payed in bullets and spit.

It's a dangerous thing, but not for them,
the future.
-Dorian. C. Major

Monday, January 1, 2018


The End is where we begin.
A revolution of days, months-
The Year.
Where did it go?
Fireworks and brown paper packages
tied up with string.
Somebody's favourite things.
It's the time to be merry and celebrate,
Before we do it all again.
-Dorian. C. Major